Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Finally at home.

Just got back from work.  What a pain in the butt that was.  11pm and I'm finally home.

I'd like to continue my rants about work:

I had an interesting conversation with one of my customers:

A: Yeah, after the billing review, I was wondering if you had some time for dinner?
ME: Well uh um...that was somewhat off topic.

A: I know.. I'm sorry if I threw you for a loop there. 
ME: Uh.. I know.. I mean. It's alright... but I'm just your consultant.

We have a ten second pause here.  I make the occasional cough and I'm scared shitless...

A: So are you good with children?

Ok.. that pretty much took the cake there.  AM I GOOD WITH CHILDREN?!  Lady, you're fifteen years older and you want to date me?  So you're asking me if I'll get along with your kids?  I mean jeez, I met you in person a total of two times and I've talked to you on the phone (BUSINESS RELATED) about a dozen times. 

To make a long story short... I pretty much said I couldn't make it.  Who knows, I might lose the account over this uncomfortable incident. 

But... to all the other ladies out there.. yes.  I am great with kids. 


  1. lol what a weirdo, i have a kid but i can bet u im probably younger than u if not the same age haha i plan on being that cougar one day (jokes) but i have been called a milf before...

  2. Well that must have been awkward.

  3. Awww...I lol'd but it's awesome she really put herself out there like that. And quite a compliment I might add :)

  4. if shes hot im advising you to TAP THAT first and then say "Look.. I cant handle kids right now..."

    So you got her as customer and you stretched her icky-sticky :)

  5. It probably wouldn't be wise to have sexual intercourse with a customer. It'd make any business thereafter awkward and she'd would've left. Though it'd most likely be awkward and lose it anyways. Oh well. At least the older ladies like you ;D
